Released version 1.83.0
The year is coming to an end. This didn’t stops us to deploy a new n98-magerun release for the world.
These are the changes and fixes:
The year is coming to an end. This didn’t stops us to deploy a new n98-magerun release for the world.
These are the changes and fixes:
We released version 1.82.0 of n98-magerun. If you are wondering about the long time between the last release
and the new one i will give you some informations about the release cycle.
Since the last year, many people decided to use n98-magerun in backup, deployment and development processes.
To give this people a little bit more stability we decided to reduce the number of major releases.
The new claim is: Stability over Features
You don’t like Mondays? I hope this gives you a good start in the new week.
We published a new n98-magerun release and packed some nice features in it.
The script command will be more powerful.
We changed the behavior of variables initalized with “?” for example ${foo}=?
If you define a variable from outside n98-magerun will not prompt anymore. This give you the power
to write parameterized scripts.
We proudly present the latest n98-magerun release 1.80. The release has focus on stability and fixes some known bugs. db:dump Command – New table groups Added two new table group for strip option (idx, ee_changelog). The new groups by exclude Read more…
It’s Day of German Unity, but this didn’t stopped us to publish a new magerun release for you.
The new release added some really useful options to some commands.
Let’s see what has changed…
To reindex all indexers we have the index:reindex:all command.
In some cases it’s only needed to reindex only some indexers.
Since version 1.75.0 you can specify the indexer by code if you run pass index codes direct as argument:
$ n98-magerun.phar index:reindex catalog_product_attribute,tag_summary
Magento’s merged XML config is very huge but not all parts must be referenced during development. Some parts are really important for debugging.
To do this smart n98-magerun offers the “config:dump” command which prints all the merged XML config at once.
As second parameter you can add an XQuery like argument.
Since version 1.77.0 we provide an easy registration of console helpers.
Console Helpers are way to share functionality with other commands.
I will show you how easy it is to create such a helper.
Out example helper will return the current system time.
Create a new folder in your home directory with the name “.n98-magerun/modules/example-module”.
mkdir -p ~/.n98-magerun/modules/example-module
We deployed a new stable n98-magerun version with some internal changes which are great if you are developing custom database driven commands.
The new version contains also some minor features and uncritical bugfixes.
In some cases it’s useful to run commands directly on your database. In the past it was usual to extend the class AbstractDatabaseCommand and call methods like _getConnection which returns a PDO Object.
We now ported all methods of this abstract class to a new console helper which can be called in command context.
It’s very easy to use the database functions.
The video shows you how easy it is to embedd n98-magerun in PhpStorm. Please download latest EAP Version.