Released version 1.80.0

Published by Christian Münch on

We proudly present the latest n98-magerun release 1.80.
The release has focus on stability and fixes some known bugs.

db:dump Command – New table groups

Added two new table group for strip option (idx, ee_changelog).
The new groups by exclude tables with “idx” suffix. This tables are generated by Magento during reindex process.
If you don’t like to export data of this tables you can add “@idx” to your strip options.

For all EE 1.13 users we added the new table group @ee_changelog. This will ignore data of the new changelog tables.

Support for modules inside the vendor folder if app is not in phar mode

If you installed n98-magerun with composer you can now specify n98-magerun modules as dependency.
We now scan the vendor folder for n98-magerun module configs. This will only be done if you don’t run
n98-magerun by a phar file.

Twig Features

We enhanced the twig features and activated the bundled debug twig extension.
If you like to debug any twig variable you can now use the debug function.

Additionally we added a new filter “cast_to_array”. This is useful to iterate over object properties.


{% for key, value in my_object|cast_to_array %}

Better help for command

We added better help texts to nearly all commands.
Feel free to send pull requests for develop branch if you find typos or you have a better help text
for a command. We need native speakers to enhance the help.

Another new project we started is an offical manual/documentation for n98-magerun.
The manual will include a documentation and best practices for each command.
You can see the actually progress on github.

Feel free to fork the documentation. The documentation is based on Sphinx.
Any change on the .rst files will automatically generate a new documentation which can be find


  • Fixed problem with installer and target path “.”
  • #228 – Command “config:delete” does not support wildcard *
  • dev:module:create command -> Replaced hard coded year with a dynamic version.
Categories: Magerun


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