n98-magerun2 – Project Update 2015-01
After some busy days and a intermediate update of n98-magerun V1 i ha time to give the code base a little bit love. In the meantime i got help from EliasZ who ported a lot of n98-magerun commands to V2. Newly ported commands This command were ported in the last Read more…
Creating a local Magento repository for n98-magerun
Milan Simek created a blog post about creating your own local repository of sample-data and Magento installers.
Send all queued emails
Since Magento CE 1.9.1 all “new order emails” are queued. A new defined cronjob core_email_queue_send_all is now processing the queued emails. During development it’s not very handy to run the job by a minute based scheduler. In this case you can use n98-magerun to start the cronjob manually. $> n98-magerun.phar Read more…
Released n98-magerun Version 1.94.0
Today we released a new version of n98-magerun (1). This is the first stable release of 2015. Most of the time we spent in development n98-magerun2 but this don’t mean that 1.x branch will get no new features. Giftcard management Steve Robbins created a list of commands to work with Read more…