Released n98-magerun Version 1.94.0

Today we released a new version of n98-magerun (1). This is the first stable release of 2015.
Most of the time we spent in development n98-magerun2 but this don’t mean that 1.x branch will get no new features.
Giftcard management
Steve Robbins created a list of commands to work with EE Giftcards
Before any creation of new gifcards you need a generated giftcard pool. This can be done in Magento Admin system configuration (System -> Configuration -> Giftcards -> Gift Card Account General Settings) where you can define i.e. the format of the generated codes.
If you don’t like to change the defaults or have configured the giftcard pool already a handy new command gitcard:pool:generate
can be used.
$> n98-magerun.phar giftcard:pool:generate
New pool was generated.
If a pool is available you can create new cards with the giftcard:create
command by passing the amount as argument.
$> n98-magerun.phar giftcard:create --website=base 110
Gift card 00JX7J72BGQH was created
Informations about an existing giftcard can be obtained with giftcard:info
$> n98-magerun.phar giftcard:info 01ATX1UDLX0T
| Name | Value |
| Gift Card Account ID | 3 |
| Code | 01ATX1UDLX0T |
| Status | Enabled |
| Date Created | 2015-01-18 |
| Expiration Date | |
| Website ID | 0 |
| Remaining Balance | 110.0000 |
| State | Available |
| Is Redeemable | 1 |
- #443 Create, view, and remove gift cards (by Steve Robbins)
Show Cronjobs history in your timezone
With new –timezone option it’s now possible to see the cronjob history in another timezone than UTC+0.
n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:history --timezone="America/Los_Angeles"
n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:history --timezone="Europe/Berlin"
- #416 Convertstimes to local or specified timezone (by Steve Robbin)
Disable commands by config.
In some cases it’s possible to have a command conflict. One case is if you have two 3rd party modules which define the same
command name (not PHP namespace).
In such cases you are now able to disable a command by it’s fully qualified class name over any config.
This is also useful for providers which install n98-magerun and like to disable some commands.
- N98\Magento\Command\Database\DropCommand
This will disable the db:drop command.
Smaller fixes and improvements
- #428 Add newsletter table group for db:dump command (by Christoph Aßmann)
- #441 config:dump produces invalid xml (Andrew Stayart)
- #452 Added .DS_Store to .gitignore (by Hervé Guétin)
- #462 dbHost not respected #462 (by Achim Rosenhagen)
- #463 Fixed missing sprintf when creating Exception in sys:cron:run command (by Tim Eydamos)
- #464 SampleData in Version 1.9 are not downloading (by Rafael Corrêa Gomes)
- #453 Add store parameter to template hints commands (by Hadrien Collongues)
- Removed Magento 2 bootstrapping -> Moved into n98-magerun2
Magento-Neuigkeiten #30 · January 26, 2015 at 11:03
[…] n98-magerun 1.94.0 bringt unter anderem neue Befehle für EE Giftcards. […]
Magento News Roundup #18 | NEWSGENTO · February 23, 2015 at 11:36
[…] 1.94.0 has been released which introduces a variety of fixes and improvements, adds the ability to disable commands in […]