Released version 1.87.0

It’s the third release in 2014. The new release contains two new commands, some typo fixes and complete reworked bash completion script.

Bash Completion reworked

A often requested feature was a working bash completion script.
Thanks to Allard Hoeve from Byte Internet who created a new whole new bash completion
The new script can be found here:

  • #294, #300, #301 New bash completion script (by Allard Hoeve)


n98-magerun Capistrano plugin

If you use n98-magerun and Capistrano you should check out the ruby gem “capistrano-magerun” created by Robert Coleman. It’s easy installable by: $> gem install capistrano-magerun For more detailed informations about the correct usage you should look on the github project page.

New release 1.85.0 is ready for download

We wish you all a successful and productive year 2014. The current release adds new awesome features to n98-magerun.

What’s new?

Running Setup Resource Scripts Incrementally

This a great new feature by Alan Storm. If you are creating setup scripts as developer you must be sure that all your scripts
are executed in correct order.
The new commands brings you incremental execution of all setup script. This features is also a very handy if you update
a shop to a new Magento version. Now you can see what’s up on your database during a setup script run.
Please note that this feature is still experimental. Please let us know if you discover any problem.

Released version 1.84.0 with many new cache related features

Hello n98-magerun users!

We are proud to release the last major release of our tool to the end of the year.

Here are some statistics of a productive year:

This statistic shows us, that we are on the right way to establish n98-magerun as industry standard.

Kudos to all developers for the time, experience, energy, suggestions, improvements and code you spent.#

Now to the new features of the 1.84.0 release…

Released version 1.82.0

We released version 1.82.0 of n98-magerun. If you are wondering about the long time between the last release
and the new one i will give you some informations about the release cycle.
Since the last year, many people decided to use n98-magerun in backup, deployment and development processes.
To give this people a little bit more stability we decided to reduce the number of major releases.

The new claim is: Stability over Features

Released version 1.81.0

You don’t like Mondays? I hope this gives you a good start in the new week.
We published a new n98-magerun release and packed some nice features in it.

Script Features

The script command will be more powerful.
We changed the behavior of variables initalized with “?” for example ${foo}=?.
If you define a variable from outside n98-magerun will not prompt anymore. This give you the power
to write parameterized scripts.