Send all queued emails

Since Magento CE 1.9.1 all “new order emails” are queued. A new defined cronjob core_email_queue_send_all is now processing the queued emails. During development it’s not very handy to run the job by a minute based scheduler. In this case you can use n98-magerun to start the cronjob manually. $> n98-magerun.phar Read more…

Add your own check to sys:check command

For two days we published the new n98-magerun version 1.90.0 with a refactored sys:check command.
The command is now modular and all checks are organized in sub-classes.
It’s now possible to add own checks to the command. The blog post shows you how easy it is.

Registration of Check Classes

If you investigate the distribution config of n98-magerun you can see a bunch of new configuration for the command.
The new config node is “checks” which contains the class names of all checks. All classes are organized in check groups.

Check Class Config

Tip: Create a Console Helper

Since version 1.77.0 we provide an easy registration of console helpers.
Console Helpers are way to share functionality with other commands.

I will show you how easy it is to create such a helper.
Out example helper will return the current system time.

Create a new module

Create a new folder in your home directory with the name “.n98-magerun/modules/example-module”.

mkdir -p ~/.n98-magerun/modules/example-module
