n98-magerun v1.101.0 released
We published a new version of Magento 1 Version of n98-magerun.
- Fix: Typo in config:get command (by Ari Molzer, #958)
- New: Meta generator for phpstorm > 2016.1 (by Guillaume Gill, #965)
- Imp: Option to schedule cron in magento crontab instead of running with current user (by Guillaume Gill, #966)
- New: Add current Magento version (by Brad Berger, #967)
- Imp: Support for multi module decleration in module:enable command (by Peter O’Callaghan, #969)
- Imp: Ability to import db from STDIN (by Peter O’Callaghan, #970)
- Imp: Add Magento-Root to sys:info command (by Christian Münch)