Released version 1.87.0
It’s the third release in 2014. The new release contains two new commands, some typo fixes and complete reworked bash completion script.
Bash Completion reworked
A often requested feature was a working bash completion script.
Thanks to Allard Hoeve from Byte Internet who created a new whole new bash completion
The new script can be found here:
New EAV Attribute Commands
Two new commands are now included in n98-magerun.
EAV Attribute List
The command “eav:attribute:list” can show you all EAV attributes in your system as table.
All new tables in n98-magerun can be formated by –format option. So you can export the list in csv, json, xml.
$> n98-magerun.phar eav:attribute:list
$> n98-magerun.phar eav:attribute:list --format=csv
EAV Attribute View
More informations like “attriubte model”, “source model”, etc can be obtained by new command “eav:attribute:list”.
$> n98-magerun.phar eav:attribute:view catalog_product color
The result table can also be exported as CSV:
$> n98-magerun.phar eav:attribute:view catalog_product color --format=csv
Example output:
| Type | Value |
| ID | 80 |
| Code | color |
| Attribute-Set-ID | |
| Visible-On-Front | no |
| Attribute-Model | |
| Backend-Model | |
| Backend-Table | catalog_product_entity_int |
| Backend-Type | int |
| Source-Model | eav/entity_attribute_source_table |
| Cache-ID-Tags | EAV_ATTRIBUTE_80 |
| Default-Value | |
| Flat-Columns | color,color_value |
| Flat-Indexes | |
| Frontend-Label | Color |
| Frontend-Class | |
| Frontend-Input | select |
| Frontend-Input-Renderer-Class | |
- #304 EAV Attribute Commands
- #268 script:repo Handling of *.magerun files
- #302 Added task to compile n98-magerun for HHVM -> phing build script
- Updated 3rd party dependencies -> Symfony
Small typo fixes
- #305 Fixed typo in uninstall command description. (by Matthias Zeis)
- #307 Fix typo in db:dump help text (by Colin O’Dell)
We hope you like the new features.
Have fun!
1 Comment
Gaurav Gupta · February 20, 2015 at 09:39
Hey this is very useful and informative, here is another example How To Embed EAV Model In Smfony2 Collection Form.
I hope you like it.