Released n98-magerun2 version 1.1.4

You might have already noticed we were a bit late with the Magerun releases for the new Magento releases. It’s busy times in the office with all the new and shiny Magento 2 to teach, learn, read and tinker around. And so many new and shiny things to develop for Magerun 2 🙂 – So finally I can announce we shipped out Magerun 2 version 1.0.4 today which now offers the setup for Magento CE 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.
Next to that, it contains a whole bunch of command ports known from Magerun 1, special mention goes to Robbie Averill for taking care so much!
All I can say is: Expect even more in the near future 🙂
Changes in detail:
- Feature: Install command: magento-ce-2.0.1 and magento-ce-2.0.2 versions (TK)
- Feature: #101 Porting command: eav:attribute:view (by Robbie Averill)
- Feature: #120 Porting command: sys:setup:change-version (by Robbie Averill)
- Feature: #132 Porting command: giftcard:create (by Robbie Averill and Steve Robbins)
- Feature: #133 Porting command: giftcard:info (by Robbie Averill and Steve Robbins)
- Feature: #134 Porting command: giftcard:remove (by Robbie Averill and Steve Robbins)
- Feature: Added composer auth to download magento. (by Christian Münch)
- Fix: #160 Stopfile broken (by Tom Klingenberg)
- Fix: #157 Undefined index moduleFolder (by Robbie Averill)
/Edit: The version was reported wrong earlier, as 1.0.4 while it is 1.1.4.